Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day Fifteen -- Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness

I dream of sons that are responsible and can hold down jobs.

I dream of sons who work hard each and every day to support their families.

I dream of sons who are faithful and 100% committed to their wives.

I dream of sons who are good and faithful to their children.

But Brooke pointed something out.  What we really need to pray about is that our sons would be faithful to God.

"Doesn't this one prayer bring with it the solution to everything else [mentioned above]?  A man whose first love is Jesus, will be faithful in all of the areas above.  He won't be perfect, but he will possess the ability to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to be faithful.  It is something worth praying for."

Indeed, Brooke, it IS something worth praying for.  Today, commit to the praying the ten prayers in the faithfulness chapter.

And consider this quote from Paul E. Miller's A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World.  "Mature Christians are keenly aware that they can't raise their kids.  It's a no-brainer.  Even if they are perfect parents, they still can't get inside their kids' hearts.  That's why strong Christians pray more."

Whether you are a strong Christian with your feet firmly planted in the Lord for years, or a new believer who is falling in love with Jesus for the first time, you have chosen to commit to praying for your sons.  That, my friends, is something I am thankful for and rejoice in each day.

How do you exhibit faithfulness for your sons?  Share your thoughts in the comments below, or at the Facebook page.

"Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness ... " ~Joshua 24:14

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